News: Dam Study Ignores Dams

Deficient federal study highlights the need for legislation on dam removal

Draft study on Columbia/Snake Dams 

Dead End for Salmon and Orcas

Call Out NW Fracked!

The federal agencies in charge of the Columbia and Snake River dams produced yet another study claiming that salmon and orcas populations are fine and the lower four Snake River dams don’t hurt fish. Sadly, that’s not true. These iconic species are in grave danger.

It’s frustrating to see, once again, that the agencies charged with protecting endangered salmon from the dams are actually more interested in protecting the dams from salmon recovery efforts.    

We need a new approach. Join Columbia Riverkeeper and call on Senators Wyden and Murray to support legislation to remove Snake River dams, modernize our energy system, and reinvest in river communities. We have an historic opportunity to remove these four dams and bring back Snake River salmon and Southern Resident orcas. It won’t be easy, but Snake River dam removal is gaining momentum. 

Scientists have been talking about Snake River dam removal for decades. We know that removing these four dams is the centerpiece of any serious effort to prevent the extinction of Snake River salmon and Southern Resident orcas. And studies show that we can remove these dams without resorting to dirty fossil fuels or breaking the bank. 

Together, we can have a future that includes clean water and lots of salmon. Please consider contacting your congressional leaders through this link.

Take Action

Support legislation to remove Snake River dams, modernize our energy system, and reinvest in river communities.

Today’s draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Columbia and Snake river dams will not restore Snake River salmon. It will not help the Southern Resident orcas and the fishing communities that depend on those salmon. And it will not fulfill the U.S. government’s commitments to tribal nations. The draft EIS is practically identical to previous plans that have failed to restore endangered salmon or pass legal muster. That’s why Columbia Riverkeeper is calling on Northwest members of Congress to advance legislation to remove the four lower Snake River dams, prevent extinction, and restore abundant salmon runs.