Sea of Red Opposes Coal Export on the Columbia River

Blog post by Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky, Riverkeeper’s Community Organizer—

Vancouver Hearing. Photo by Power Past Coal.

For five consecutive weeks this fall Northwest residents opposed to coal exports have dominated five public hearings for Ambre Energy’s proposed Millennium coal export project in Longview, Washington. We were nearly 3,000 people strong at all of these hearings – an amount that amplified local concerns to a regional and national level! Coal export opponents flocked to these public hearings, their only official way to voice concern in-person for the proposed 44 million ton-per-year coal export terminal on the banks of the Columbia River. Loud and clear and unified our opposition to coal export was undeniable.

Thank you to everyone who attended the hearings, or volunteered, to make them a success!

In Longview, site of the first hearing, concerned citizens from across the county, and region, poured into the Expo Center; they wore red and adamantly testified against the Millennium coal export project. Local residents voiced their concerns about the 16 coal trains per day that would run through the economic core of their community and the 75 acres of land close to town that would be covered with coal piles 80’ tall. These coal piles would sit just one mile from many Longview homes.

Longview Hearing

“I’ve never been so proud to live in Cowlitz County,” stated one local activist after the seven hour marathon hearing in Longview. This sentiment was echoed by many others throughout the day.

Hearings held in the towns of Spokane, Pasco, and Vancouver provided the opportunity for rail communities to demand a broad review of the Millennium proposal. Coal trains would bisect their towns and pollute the air and waterways with dirty coal dust on their way to the Longview terminal. In Tacoma, residents from Northwest Washington insisted that climate change, ocean acidification, and taxpayer funding for expensive rail upgrades be part of the review for the Millennium project.

The comment period for the Millennium proposal runs through November 18, 2013. Please submit your comment today!