Anti-Racism in Election Season

Responding directly to hateful speech

Our work to protect clean water is directly tied to social justice and a government that respects all people.

Our values include embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion. We are dedicated to using our platform to speak out against hatred, including racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, transphobia, and other forms of intolerance that are on the rise.

So why aren’t we denouncing the racism and other forms of hate speech spewed by people running for public office? As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we are not allowed to endorse or oppose candidates, favor or oppose a candidate’s views on issues, or compare a candidate’s position with our organization’s views. It’s frustrating. And it's the law.

As we fight for clean water and our climate, we encourage our supporters to dig deep and support groups fighting for justice. Please explore the resources below to learn more about local organizations fighting for racial justice.


Resources for Supporting Racial Justice in Oregon
Columbia Riverkeeper's Values