
Our latest action alerts, blog posts, and media highlights

Coal company loses appeal of water quality permit denial

"... Millennium’s attempt to block Washington’s right to protect public health and the environment has been thwarted again. It is time to close the coal terminal chapter and protect the health of local communities, our waterways, and our climate.” -Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky

We Moved!

Our new Hood River office is open for business. With great views of the Mighty Columbia and easy access to waterfront trails and beaches, our Hood River-based team is thrilled to fight-the-good-fight at our new office location. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by and visit.

Member Spotlight

August Member Spotlight: Muralist Audie Fuller collaborated with Kalama, Washington residents to create a stunning piece of art opposing the dirty Kalama methanol refinery and pipeline proposal.

New Report on Hanford Released

Columbia Riverkeeper’s “Hanford Vision Report” examines how competing visions for Hanford’s future—from the perspectives of tribal nations, the federal government, and the states of Oregon and Washington—will determine Hanford’s nuclear legacy.