
Our latest action alerts, blog posts, and media highlights

Spring Work Party: 3/30 Hood River

We need your help to transform a former industrial site into a thriving riverfront habitat. Now is a great time for planting, allowing trees and shrubs time to get established. Bundle up, and bring your buddies!

Case Study: 10 Years of E. coli Sampling

Columbia Riverkeeper works with people in dozens of communities—from rural to urban—who share the same goals: Protect the health of their families and the places they love. 

WATCH & SHARE: New fracked gas video


Governor Jay Inslee is famous for being the "Green Governor" of Washington state. He can be our true climate champion by taking a stand against new fracked gas infrastructure.

Risky Move: Tar Sands Oil

Take Action: Sign a petition to urge the City of Portland, Oregon DEQ, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny authorizations for expanded tar sands train shipments through Portland.