Our Vision:
A Columbia River that unites people to fight for clean water, abundant fish and wildlife, and our climate. We are committed to achieving this vision by advancing justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in environmental decisions and our own actions.

The Intersectional Environmentalist
Columbia Riverkeeper joins author Leah Thomas to unpack environmentalism, racism, and privilege and what it means to be an Intersectional Environmentalist, the title of her latest book
Columbia Riverkeeper is committed to achieving our vision by advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in environmental decisions and our own actions.
Our Approach
To address and expand justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI), we strive to:
- Incorporate JEDI principles at all levels of our organization, including: campaigns and programs; employee hiring, training, and retention; membership outreach and development; and partnerships.
- Build and maintain authentic and collaborative relationships with frontline communities.
- Work in solidarity with Tribal Nations and native people to achieve common environmental goals while recognizing that Tribal Nations face a multitude of complex challenges. Pursue dialogue and honest communications with Tribal Nations about our policy decisions and advocacy work.
- Foster an inclusive, supportive work environment for all staff, board members, volunteers, and contractors.
- Facilitate and encourage internal education on JEDI issues through in-depth enrichments and professionally led trainings, followed by staff and board discussions.
- Maintain a board that reflects the diverse lived experiences of people along the Columbia River.
- Maintain a JEDI Team composed of Riverkeeper staff that meets monthly to select JEDI enrichment topics and oversee implementation of JEDI components of Riverkeeper’s 3-year Strategic Plan.
- Acknowledge mistakes. If we take enough risks, we will fail sometimes. Own it. Learn and grow.
- Systematic Racism is an Environmental Issue (February 14, 2022)
- The Fight for Justice Continues (January 9, 2021)
- Environmentalist for Black Lives Matter (June 23, 2020)
- We Stand in Solidarity (June 6, 2020)
- Black Lives Matter (June 2, 2020)
- Standing with Immigrant Communities (Aug. 14, 2019)