
Upgrade Irrigation and Remove Dams

Support real solutions that protect farms and bring us closer to Lower Snake River dam removal! A groundbreaking draft report…

Focus Areas

overhead view of Zenith energy site

Stop Zenith Oil-By-Rail

For years, Zenith Energy has put our communities and our environment at risk. Now Zenith has a dangerous plan to…

Focus Areas

Bradford Island - photo by Ubaldo Hernandez

Clean Up Bradford Island

For over 40 years, the U.S. government dumped toxic waste in this area. As a result, resident fish caught in…

Focus Areas

Remove Snake River Dams

You’ve helped make progress for salmon recovery! On December 14, 2023, the Biden Administration, the Six Sovereigns (the Nez Perce,…

Focus Areas

Nuclear Power: a False Solution to the Climate Crisis

Our opinion: SMNRs are a false solution that diverts funding from proven renewable energy technologies that are safer, less expensive,…

Focus Areas

Take Action: Hanford

We are calling on Energy to undertake the most protective cleanup possible at Hanford. Hanford’s Future is on the line.…

Focus Areas

Take Action: Goldendale

Known to the Yakama Nation as “mother of all roots,” Pushpum is a sacred site for Yakama Nation ceremonies, legends,…

Focus Areas