
Uniting Communities for Climate Action

PCFE City hall group shot

Fed up with the climate crisis? Dream of challenging one of the biggest fuel-fuel corporations in North America to make a difference for our climate?

Let’s turn your dream into action–and results. Read more

Nichols Natural Area

Our vision for the Nichols Natural Area: engage, educate, and inspire the diverse communities of the Columbia River Gorge to turn a former industrial site into vibrant riverfront habitat. Read more

Tire Chemicals and Salmon

For decades, researchers have puzzled over an alarming phenomenon in Seattle-area streams in the Puget Sound: a large proportion of adult coho salmon die before they get the chance to spawn. Then, in 2020, scientists pinpointed the pollutant responsible for the coho deaths: 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-q). Read more

Hanford Holistic Settlement Released

U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Washington Department of Ecology (Tri-Party Agreement agencies) proposed changes to cleanup will alter treatment, storage, and disposal plans for highly toxic and radioactive waste currently stored in aging tanks and in soil beneath tanks. Read more

Stand Up to Factory Farms

Celebrating six years since Columbia Riverkeeper and the Stand Up to Factory Farms Coalition scored a victory when the Oregon Department of Agriculture finally revoked mega-dairy Lost Valley Farm’s permit. Read more