Breaking Down Forever Chemicals

Learn about forever chemicals, how they impact us, and what we can do about it.

Breaking Down Forever Chemicals

Columbia Riverkeeper hosted “Breaking Down Forever Chemicals,” a webinar with Dr. Alissa Cordner and Megan Liu. They shared research on forever chemicals and helped us to understand the sources and impacts and what we can do about it.

Perfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) are synthetic chemicals used in a wide variety of consumer products, and they are found virtually everywhere: in your house, in the river, in raindrops in Tibet and Antarctica, and even in your bloodstream. They’re called forever chemicals because they don’t break down, but it’s time for us to break up with them. 

In case you missed it, watch the webinar here:

Thanks for learning with us and helping to keep the Columbia clean! 

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Check out and share our Pollution Prevention Curriculum for information and hands-on activities about the issues related to pollution and the impacts of forever chemicals on the Columbia River.