
Breaking News: FERC Ignores Tribal, Environmental Concerns

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released the final environmental review for the Goldendale Pumped Storage development. FERC’s conclusion? The benefits of the development outweigh the destruction of Tribal cultural and religious resources and that destruction can be partially mitigated through data recovery.  We disagree. Read more

Comer pescado

El río Columbia, y las comunidades que dependen de él, enfrentan serias amenazas por la contaminación tóxica. Todos los días, miles de tuberías descargan contaminación tóxica de la industria, las ciudades y el escurrimiento de aguas pluviales. Read more

“New” nuclear energy is a false solution to the climate crisis

The nuclear power industry would like you to believe that Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMNRs) are a magic bullet to solve the climate crisis. Don’t believe the hype. SMNRs are a false solution that divert funding from proven, renewable energy technologies that are safer, less expensive, and faster to deploy. Read more

Hanford’s Groundwater: A Poison Pill

The Hanford Nuclear Site is one of the most complex cleanups in the region and holds the title for the most contaminated site in the western hemisphere. Its contamination remains an unsolved problem that threatens clean water for generations.  Read more

FERC-Approved GTN Xpress Faces Challenges

Today (November 21, 2023), Columbia Riverkeeper and Rogue Climate filed a Petition for Rehearing, urging the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) to reconsider its approval of the GTN Xpress fracked gas pipeline expansion. Our petition argues that FERC violated the National Environmental Policy Act and the Natural Gas Act. Read more

Inspiring a Love for the Columbia

Our Community Programs Promote Education, Action, and Connection. Who, if anyone, is more curious and experimental than a kid in the outdoors? Columbia Riverkeeper programs help them hone their skills, learn new tools, and discover deep connections. Read more

Building on Climate Victories

In the wake of over 15 years of successes defeating fossil fuel infrastructure projects, the industry has shifted tactics. We’re seeing more proposals to expand existing infrastructure rather than build new facilities. Why? Read more

Trucking Salmon Concerns

underwater photo of salmon in the Columbia River

In an eleventh-hour rule change without meaningful public or tribal input, Oregon weakened protections for salmon; Tribes and fish advocates want the state to restore safeguards. Read more